1. What is Agile Methodology?
Agile Methodology is an iterative and incremental approach to project management and software development.
2. What are the principles of Agile Methodology? 
The principles of Agile Methodology are based on the Agile Manifesto, which values individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change.
3. What is the Agile Manifesto? 
The Agile Manifesto is a set of guiding values and principles for Agile software development, which prioritize customer satisfaction, continuous delivery of working software, and flexibility to change.
4. What are the benefits of Agile Methodologies? 
The benefits of Agile Methodologies include faster time-to-market, improved quality, better customer satisfaction, and greater adaptability to changing requirements.
5. What are the drawbacks of Agile Methodology?
The drawbacks of Agile Methodology include a lack of documentation, difficulty in estimating time and resources, and the need for highly skilled team members.
6. What is Scrum? 
Scrum is a framework for Agile project management that includes specific roles, events, and artifacts, such as sprints, product backlogs, and sprint reviews.
7. What is a sprint? 
A sprint is a time-boxed iteration of development work in Scrum, typically lasting one to four weeks.
8. What is a product backlog? 
A product backlog is a prioritized list of features and requirements for a software project maintained by the product owner.
9. What is a sprint backlog?
A sprint backlog is a list of tasks and activities that the development team plans to complete during a sprint based on the product backlog items selected for that sprint.
10. What is a sprint review? 
A sprint review is a meeting held at the end of a sprint, where the development team demonstrates the work completed during the sprint and receives feedback from stakeholders.
11. What is a sprint retrospective?
A sprint retrospective is a meeting held at the end of a sprint, where the development team reflects on the sprint and identifies opportunities for improvement in the next sprint.
12. What is a product owner? 
A product owner is a role in Scrum responsible for defining and prioritizing the product backlog, representing the interests of the stakeholders, and ensuring the team delivers value to the customer.
13. What is a Scrum Master? 
A Scrum Master is a role in Scrum responsible for facilitating the Scrum process, coaching the team on Agile principles, and removing obstacles that prevent the team from delivering value.
14. What is a development team? 
A development team is a cross-functional group of individuals responsible for delivering working software during a sprint.
15. What is Kanban? 
Kanban is a method for managing work that focuses on visualizing the flow of work and limiting work in progress to improve efficiency and delivery time.
16. How is Kanban different from Scrum? 
Kanban is a more flexible and continuous method of work management, while Scrum is more structured and time-boxed.
17. What is Lean Software Development? 
Lean Software Development is an Agile methodology that emphasizes reducing waste, optimizing workflow, and continuously improving quality and value.
18. What is Extreme Programming (XP)? 
Extreme Programming is an Agile methodology that emphasizes continuous testing, continuous integration, and constant customer feedback to produce high-quality software.
19. What is DevOps? 
DevOps is a methodology that combines software development and operations to improve the speed and efficiency of delivering software.
20. What is Continuous Integration (CI)?
Continuous Integration is a practice in Agile software development that involves continuously integrating code changes into a shared repository to detect errors and conflicts early.
21. What is Continuous Delivery (CD)?
Continuous Delivery is a practice in Agile software development that involves continuously deploying working software to production environments.
22. What is the difference between Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment? 
Continuous Deployment is the practice of automatically deploying code changes to production environments, while Continuous Delivery involves the automation of the entire software delivery process up until the deployment stage.
23. What is Test-Driven Development (TDD)? 
Test-Driven Development is a software development process that involves writing tests before writing code to ensure that the code is correct and meets requirements.
24. What is Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD)? 
Acceptance Test-Driven Development is a software development process that involves writing acceptance tests before writing code to ensure that the code meets the requirements of the customer.
25. What is Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)? 
Behavior-Driven Development is a software development process that involves creating user stories in a specific format to clarify the behavior of the software and ensure that it meets the customer's needs.
26. What is a user story? 
A user story is a simple description of a feature or functionality from the perspective of a user, used to guide development and testing.
27. What is a sprint planning meeting? 
A sprint planning meeting is a meeting held at the beginning of a sprint to define the sprint goal, select product backlog items, and plan the tasks and activities for the sprint.
28. What is a daily Scrum? 
A daily Scrum is a brief meeting held each day during a sprint to review progress, discuss any obstacles, and plan work for the next 24 hours.
29. What is a burndown chart? 
A burndown chart is a visual representation of the amount of work remaining in a sprint or project, plotted against the time available.
30. What is a velocity chart? 
A velocity chart is a visual representation of the amount of work completed in a sprint or project, plotted against the time available.
31. What is the Definition of Done? 
The Definition of Done is a set of criteria that must be met before a user story or task can be considered complete.
32. What is a retrospective? 
A retrospective is a meeting held at the end of a sprint or project to reflect on what went well, and what didn't go well and identify opportunities for improvement.
33. What is the role of stakeholders in Agile? 
Stakeholders play a crucial role in Agile, providing feedback, setting priorities, and helping to ensure that the project delivers value to the customer.
34. What is a backlog grooming session? 
A backlog grooming session is a meeting held to refine the product backlog, add detail, and ensure that it remains up-to-date.
35. What is the difference between a feature and a user story? 
A feature is a higher-level description of functionality, while a user story is a specific, detailed description of a feature from the perspective of the user.
36. What is the role of the development team in Agile? 
The development team is responsible for delivering working software during each sprint, collaborating closely with the product owner and stakeholders to ensure that the software meets the customer's needs.
37. What is the role of the Scrum Master in Agile? 
The Scrum Master is responsible for facilitating the Scrum process, ensuring that the team adheres to Agile principles, and removing any obstacles that may prevent the team from delivering value.
38. What is the role of the product owner in Agile? 
The product owner is responsible for defining and prioritizing the product backlog, representing the interests of the stakeholders, and ensuring that the team delivers value to the customer.
39. What is the role of the Agile coach? 
The Agile coach provides guidance and support to help teams and organizations adopt Agile practices, improve performance, and achieve their goals.